
Why this BLOG?

Why this BLOG?

I created this blog (which will be a mix of blogs and videoblogs) because I'm ready to share my knowledge with all of you, sharing what I have learned to all those who will need to know and learn the secrets of success in the "communication" sector, and also because I constantly need to learn new things from the world around me and I do the same reading or hearing from those who know more than me... and thank to you I can learn new things. Knowledge sharing is an integral part of our generation. I think, though, that nowadays many people draw from knowledge incorrectly, peering easily on the Internet, and often finding answers or information not so related to reality, or "put together" by people who have no expertise but just want to add a few more visits to their profile or website, bringing this "lack of knowledge" in their own business, doing enormous damage both for themselves and for the company in which they are working.  

And then… because I love writing.

I therefore invite you to write your best email address in order to receive my newsletter that will include the articles I'm going to produce so that you can file them, in case you want to read them again.

Through this blog I want to suggest a few tips to all those who seek (or are trying) to do something “by themselves”, inside their own company (often in order to save money, but then we will see that, in fact, it does not work this way) rather than rely on PR agencies with proven experience and skills. In this space I’d like to talk about "communication", since it is my main job and therefore what I know the best... how communication changed over time and how it will evolve, how to deal with daily issues and help all of you reaching quickly, and in the best way, your "business goals.” It could then happen to talk about any other subject about which I can say something useful to share, of course. I do not want to put myself any limit. In short, I would like this blog to become interactive, where you can answer to questions, where you and me ask questions, where we can all find a form of shared dialogue.

... But let's start with an order. Begin asking yourself if you know the cost of a metro ticket, if you know how much a kilogram of bread costs, how much a second class seat in hi-speed trains cost, a packet of cigarettes, a newspaper or one liter of diesel fuel at the distributor… Were you able to answer? Well, it means that you know what is the value of things... basically you have clearly understood that any object or asset has a given and tangible value, measurable and quantifiable, placing it in the scale of commodity values that the economic system has established and that we exploit and you have learned to recognize and use.

And if, instead, I asked you: what is the value you give to your reputation and your image? How much does your reputation cost? What is the value of your image? I'm really curious to know what value you give it. Write it here in the comments, then I'll continue telling you my thought about what communication is and why it's so important for all enterprises, but also for all of us.
Next Article Everything has a price
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