
Le PR Tradizionali sono finite? Le PR Tradizionali sono finite?

Le PR Tradizionali sono finite?

Sono già parecchi anni che "cavalco" e propongo le Digital PR come forma di comunicazione per i miei Clienti. Eppure trovo ancora Clienti...
0 10162
Which is the objective of PR? Which is the objective of PR?

Which is the objective of PR?

Often friends ask me with curiosity: "But… what’s your job exactly? I have not understood very well.”   My answer is...
0 4678
Everything has a price Everything has a price

Everything has a price

We understood that the value of our image and our reputation IS PRICELESS. Excellent. Think that "P.R." deal exactly with your own image and...
0 8003
Why this BLOG? Why this BLOG?

Why this BLOG?

I created this blog (which will be a mix of blogs and videoblogs) because I'm ready to share my knowledge with all of you, sharing what I have...
0 8499

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